Friday 2 August 2013

An Introduction

Hello everyone, I am Peter Hart a 37 year old investments banker from Reading in the United Kingdom. I have recently grown tired of my 9-5 routine of work. Sometimes the overtime is unbearable and I have a lot of trouble following simple tasks. There have been countless times that I have nearly been sacked from my work in banking so I feel that now is a better time than any to pursue my dream of becoming a writer. My stories can be described as a dark and dangerous leap into the human mind. Many have commented on my writing skills being likened to that of Jane Austin's or even Oscar Wilde's. They are strictly adult, but in todays market place I see no reason that my works cannot become a serious part of our identity and culture.

Many ask me what I hope to achieve with my writing. The answer is simple; I wish to bring us altogether as one, to brash out these Western/Eastern tensions and unite us all with the love of language.

"Words are limitless in the ability of binding us together." - Ghandi

For many of these reasons much of my writing can be understood as political and sometimes even religious.

I am currently unmarried, but I have a teenage son called Darren that won't return my calls. He is illegitimate and we don't see eye to eye on many matters. His Liberal mentality severely contrasts greatly with my Neo-Conservative outlook on life. As two strongly minded individuals this causes much friction. He is the product of my only serious relationship to date. I went out with a lady known as Karen. We got serious so I planted my seed in her. Eventually she decided that she preferred a man in her legal firm and they are now married. She never told me if Darren is actually my son but a lot of the time I look into his eyes and I just see it. 

Anyway, thank you for reading. i hope to bring you much joy from my works.

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