Sunday 3 August 2014

Update: 2014

Hello all,

Due to numerous death threats from some of my readership about the recent lack of activity, I have made a return to my erotica. I'm not entirely sure how so many of you got my work email address, but I must say that sending the content which you have to me over the past months has been out of line. Let it be said that I'm back because I want to be, and not because I fear for my, or my family's safety. There's a big reason why I haven't posted for such a long time. In my last post I noted my recent trouble with Karen and the legal proceedings she put against me. This legal battle has heated up quite immeasurably and only a few weeks ago we settled. We settled that I wouldn't come within fifty feet of her, her property or (as she puts it) her son, Darren. I've felt a great deal of loss over this, this witch has taken away my son, but it's not over, it's not over just yet. We've got rebuttal, and even though Darren wants nothing to do with me, he will still have a loving father in his life. So fuck you Karen! Fuck you straight back to the hell spawn you came from, you Devil-Bitch!

I have also found myself in a position of power at work as of late. With the erotica that I had begun writing I felt an amazing sense of power entwined within myself. Though it was originally written as a heavily politically loaded statement, this erotica appears to have worked wonders in my life. I suddenly gained confidence which I never had before. For instance, people at the water cooler used to scrunch up their cups and throw them at me while I sat at my desk trying to fill out my tax forms during my lunch break. Now, since the erotica, people look on at me with apathy and cease to throw things or show any acts of aggression towards me. To be fair, in a twist of fate I found a way of making our company work 11% more efficiently by dropping six people off of our team. My manager and lead of department picked a few of those people which would throw things at me to be let go. Now they have no livelihood and are left as feral(s) to pick from the dregs off society. I was also promoted due to my attitude change, I now work in a different department where I analyse loans. It's been three months and I feel that I'm more successful here.

Indeed, 2014 has been plagued with legal battles and deep seated rage amongst my son and Karen, but it has thus far been highly successful in the world of work for me. Now that I'm posting again, I guess that means that you can expect some more chapters of Harry Art's journey, and you would be right in believing that. Expect more, the point of this post has been to show you that I'm not going to lie down and take it any more; I aim for a much more violent, aggressive, in your face, and twisted journey to be revealed within Harry Art himself. So be sure to prepare yourself for ache, pain, euphoria, and an over riding sense of nostalgia. Also, if you keep sending me death threats I will be forced to take legal action.

All the best,


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